December 2008 Meeting Notes
Member Nance Ross’s instruction made making leaf canes easy, as she led the five other members present in making a Christmas tree ornament. Thanks also to Nance for her excellent instructional handout. Some participants managed to go on to decorate their trees, while others will finish them at home.
**Business Meeting:**
Angela reviewed the schedule as it stands for our upcoming meetings:
**January 10:** Curly Strings with Lee Ann
**February 14:** open
**March 14:** Polymer Clay Bookmarks with Nance
**Library:** Jane gave a quick review of our two most recent purchases, *Making Beautiful Beads,* by Suzanne Tourtillott and *Polymer Clay and Mixed Media Together At Last*, by Christie Friesen.
**Bottles of Hope:** Nance said that we have about 50 bottles completed. No firm plans have been made for how we will give them away.
**Treasurer:** Angela reported income from the November raffle was $20. We spent $5.23 to ship our swap items to the Tulsa guild and to send a Bottle of Hope to Cindy M., leaving a new balance of $393.04. We currently have 13 members.
**New Business:**
**Elections:** Angela reminded everyone that new officers will be elected in January. The current list of nominees, including those who volunteered at the meeting, is:
President: Jane L.
Vice-President: April G.
Secretary: Shirley C.
Treasurer & Webmaster: Angela M.
Librarian: Jane L.
Bottles of Hope Coordinator: Nance R.
Photographer: Nance R.
Angela asked that anyone else who would like to run for an office notify her by December 19th. She also thanked the current officers for their service this year.
**Membership Dues:** Angela reminded the group that our annual dues will be due in January. She will send out notices in the next couple of weeks with each member’s final amount due after discounts.
**Inclement Weather:** Members can watch the website and email list for meeting cancellation notices.
**Library Drawing:** Donna Kato’s new book, *The Art of Polymer Clay: Millefiori Techniques* was the winner and will be purchased for our library.
**Bi-monthly Swap:** No one brought items to swap this month. The theme for our next swap, to be held in February, is Birds. Next month’s raffle items will be brought by last month’s winners, Magi, Nance, Penni Jo, and Shirley.