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Minutes for November 2011 Business Meeting

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**Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting**
Date: 11-12-11 Shown Left is a close up of some Pandora beads with molded leaves created during Myra’s class “Making Pandora Beads”.
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Shirley welcomed and greeted visitors, new members and our regular band of merry clayers.
**Show and Tell:**
Myra showed a box, necklace & an embroidered ornament. Tom showed his State Fair
Best of Show winner, a Fairy Man with fusible wings and explained he made them. RuthPandoraBeads.jpgRuth showed her fab Jewelry. Her polymer clay Pandora beads have embellished with thin slices of millefiori canes and the resulting bracelet is shown right. PJ showed her new mold and cameos.
**Raffle:** (Sept winners were Angela, Angel, Stacie & Ashton) PJ remembered that she won two raffles a few months ago and only brought a single prize for the next raffle so brought a raffle item this time.
Winners were : 1. Kay M. 2. Stacie 3. Lee Ann 4. Sue and 5. PJ
(I am missing one donator. Can you let me know who you are please? Thanks. )
**Program:** Pandora beads by Myra.
She provided grommets for at least 5 beads and detailed, full color instructions. She also had more supplies for sale if we wanted to make more beads and a bracelet.
Myra enthused us all with her quick and easy way to make beautiful Pandora beads and taught us how to add canes and patterns to a bead. She taught a great class and encouraged us to let our imaginations to be our guides. IMG_0059.JPG
Penni Jo made beads with molded leaves. Right is a photo of the bracelet.
It was a very educational & entertaining lesson providing us all with beautiful beads.
**Business Meeting:**
1. Approval of Minutes:
Sue moved that we accept the minutes as posted on line. Jane seconded. Passed.
**2. Officers Reports:**
**Vice President -Angela – Upcoming programs:**
– December bring something you’ve made and swap if you like.
– January: Lee Ann – Faux Bois (fake wood)
– February: Shirley – Multi layered effects .
– March: TBD
**Treasurer- Angela**
Balance: $713.34 & $304.35 for retreat registrations.
Members: 16
**BOH Report** ~~ Nance
BOH’s will be going to a breast cancer group.
**Librarian Report:** ~ Jane
Received the Polymer Arts new magazine. Jane reviewed it for us. OK mag, good info on a variety of projects, techniques and selling.
We got our new Polymer Cafe Magazine. Nice new Lisa Pavelka Article.
**Old Business:**
1. Retreat: 
Angela reports that we have 7 registrations:
Angela reports that 51 companies have been contacted about sponsoring our retreat with goody bag or Auction/raffle donations. Of those 17 have responded. 9 yes, 5 maybe, 3 no.
Angela requests to hear back about local hotels that are worth recommending to out-of-town guests. We have one gal from Houston who has registered and requested that we provide her with recommendations. I’ll also like to include the information on the website for others who are making travel plans.
Moved that Guild members can put a deposit up now to hold their spot in the retreat. Jane moved, Nance seconded, $20.00 will hold spot for retreat; remaining must be paid by March 24, 2012.
Times of classes to be listed on the website.
Saturday dinner decisions postponed. Find a sponsor for the dinner would be terrific.
Move to buy Convection ovens for the retreat – Nance moved, Sue seconded. Carries; buy three for $78.00 each at Walmart. Angela will order them. They may or may not be delivered to her house. Probably to Jane’s house. Two will be raffled at the retreat.
Find minimum amount of people required to reserve hotel room blocks.
12th and I-35 hotel. April 19, 20 & 21 retreat dates.
No decision was made on the number of vendors.
Our registration number is 7. Members were urged to register as soon as possible.
2. New meeting location? Keep looking!!!
**New Business?:**
What will we do with donated clay?
None of Record.
**Library Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane:**
Winning Title: “I’d Rather Be In The Studio!”
December Theme is “Red” unless participating in the project swap. Then any color is fine.
Next meeting:
At Hobby Lobby in Moore.

December 2011 Meeting: Share A Project!

December is our always-popular **Share A Project** meeting, where members take turns talking about a favorite project. Bring a Christmas ornament, a handmade Christmas gift, or just something cool you’ve made this year with polymer clay. Share a little about how you made it. And if you want, you can include your project in the swap at the meeting’s end. It’s an informal meeting where we all get to share ideas and get inspired.
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, December 10, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**What to bring:**
– A finished polymer clay project
– There’s no lesson this month, so you don’t need any particular supplies. But you’re welcome to bring your clay and play anyway!
**Swap Theme**
If you would like, you may include your “share a project” item in the swap at the end of the meeting.
**Retreat Meeting**
This month’s 2012 Retreat Planning Meeting will be held at 12:30 in the Hobby Lobby classroom before the guild meeting.

November 2011 Meeting: Pandora-Style Beads

Beads by Myra.jpgThis month, **Myra Cleveland** has generously offered to teach us how to make **Pandora-Style Beads**. Myra, who joined our group earlier this year, blogs at Clay Harmony and sells her work on Artfire. We’re eager to learn how she makes these beautiful beads!
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, November 12, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring:**
– Scrap clay (for practice beads)
– Clay in desired colors (including translucent, if desired) – Kato is best
– Small cutters (to make multiple beads of the same size)
– Piece of clear Plexiglas or plastic (the front of a CD cover is perfect)
– Sculpey Etch ‘n’ Pearl tool (large or medium size)
– Small canes to decorate beads (optional)
**Myra will provide:**
– Grommets/eyelets (2 per bead). Myra has generously offered to provide each person with 10 grommets, enough to make five beads, and will have more available for sale at the meeting. She will also have snake chain bracelets, silver spacer beads, and charms for sale, so people can leave the class with all the parts needed for a complete bracelet, if they wish.
Bracelet by Myra**Raffle**
This month we’ll be holding a raffle, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate. September’s winners (Angela, Angel, and Stacie) will be supplying the prizes.
**Retreat Meeting**
We’ll hold a planning meeting for our 2012 Retreat before the guild meeting from 12:20-1:10. Since the Hobby Lobby classroom will be occupied during that time, we’ll be meeting at a little restaurant called “Sunny Side Up.” It is east of I-35 on the south side of 19th street, behind the shopping center where Hobby Lobby is.

Minutes for October 2011 Business Meeting

**Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting**
**Date: October 8, 2011**
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Our meeting began as Shirley welcomed everyone and began the meeting right away as we had a long program. The room was packed with 16 people in attendance including guests Pat Pearson, Kay McKinnis, Linda Krejsek, and Margaret Watsek.
Class Sample Penni Jo taught an embroidered pendant project (see left) using techniques from her ten page Original Booklet ~ Faux Ribbon Embroidery that was given to guild members a few months ago. A full color six page step by step tutorial was provided to make this faux embroidered pendant with faux wood hanger bar, twisted rope border, tiny molded tassels and molded tricolor tassel fringe. All of the techniques and basics taught were from the Faux Ribbon Embroidery booklet.
If a member does not have the larger, ten page booklet with nearly 200 photos you can write to Penni Jo at and ask for the pdf file. The pdf lesson file is also available to members the same way.
Please do not share the project sheet or the booklet as PJ is planning to have it published. If a non member wishes the pdf full Booklet, contact PJ about the price. Above right is the finished sample that she began in class to demonstrate some of the stitches and techniques learned while making the project
**Show and Tell:**
Pat had water color beads to show. She is a retired Air Force officer and has been playing in clay for a year.
If I have missed anyone’s show and tell, please let me know. It was a very, very busy time.
**Business Meeting**:
**1. Approval of Minutes:**
The following corrections were made.
1. The visions comment should read “Grady Craft alliance took over Vision Makers and sent an email to Shirley. The do not know when the next Visions Makers show will be.” You can get on the mailing list if desired.
2. Cheryl did not win in the September Raffle.
**2. Officers Reports**:
**Vice President -Angela**
– Nov: Myra – Pandora Beads.
– Dec: Annual ‘Share a project’ where members bring a project that they have learned in guild and share a bit about how the project was done. Those wishing to swap at the end may do so.
– Jan: Lee Ann TBA.
– Feb: Shirley – To be determined.
**Treasurer- Angela**
Balance: 722.84
Members: 15 members.
**BOH Report ~~ Nance**
Our beloved Nance will have surgery for cancer on Oct. 20 at Norman Regional.
**Librarian ~ Jane**
The new book is in and Jane reported on it. Polymer Clay: Creating Functional and Decorative Objects by Jacqueline Gikow. This book was chosen because the magazine article “Polymer Unlimited – 4 artists on the magic of polymer” chosen was no longer in print.
Jane pointed out some parts that she found interesting and reported that she was impressed and touched on some of the highlights in this very unusual book.
**Old Business?:**
1. Guild Report, PJ:
a. Retreat discussion notes and the following two subjects will be emailed to members.
b. Basecamp:
c. Vendors
2.. State Fair Demo:
1. Any improvements? Everyone liked the demo area this year.
2. Added categories? The following discussions were made.
a. Mixed Media with the primary focus of the item of clay. For example. Tom’s wonderful character dolls with sculpted faces and hands.
b. PJ asked if a “Display Only” Category could be added. Angela said she could check.
**New Business**:
1. We talked about finding a larger meeting room. A number of ideas were batted around. Members, if you have time and can, look in your area for a meeting place. PJ suggested we think outside the box as her brother-in-law’s club group met in the back of a furniture store. No charge.
2. Ruth brought up Recreation professionals. Hospitals, continuing educations CEU. Send works to them. If selected your work will be taught. $$
**Library Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane**:
Winning Title: it was decided to order the first issue of Polymer Art magazine to see if we like it.
**Swap or Raffle:**
Winners: Tom and Myra got each other’s swap. Myra’s was a beautiful Fall bracelet and Tom brought a fabulous visual pun.
Our theme was “Come on Fall!” Tom’s light switch cover featured an impatient squirrel’s hand outstretched under an Oak tree with one remaining acorn. “Come on, Fall!”
**Next meeting:**
**At Hobby Lobby in Moore.**
**November 12, 2011 1:30 to 4:30pm**

Minutes for COPCG September 2011 Business Meeting

**Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Minutes**
Date: September 10, 2011
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Shirley welcomed our new members and visitors to our merry band of clayers.
Shirley introduced our new members and visitors to Bottles Of Hope, their history and purpose. Angela demonstrated step by step how the bottles are covered with clay. The following embellishments for the bottles were demonstrated by PJ.
Hope Blooms BOH Sample Bottles Of Hope Ministering Spirit Bottle Of Hope
– a. How to apply Lisa Palvelka’s foils to clay and create a sparkling effect using 60 grit coated sandpaper.
– b. How to make a skinner blend and then, for those who wanted to see how to use the skinner blend, how to make a leaf cane. The watchers all received a segment of the leaf cane.
**Show and Tell**
Myra, Sue, Stacie, a visitor; Jane, & Penni Jo brought Show and Tell this month. Due to the many things happening, your secretary did not get a list of each person’s show and tell. Shirley showed the magazine “Ornament” and the lovely polymer clay project inside. This magazine was included in the IPCA Retreat Goody bags. It was suggested that we contact Ornament magazine for our goody bags.
**NOTE:** Angela would like ideas of companies that we can contact for goodie bag items.
**Swap or Raffle**
(Treasurer Angela was not able to stay till the end of the meeting this month so the raffle was held early in the meeting.) As winners two months ago, Cheryl, Penni Jo, and Myra brought items for the raffle.
This month’s winners were: Angela (won Myra’s), Angel (won PJ’s), Cheryl (won Myra’s), our little visitor (won Sue’s) and Stacie (won Cheryl’s).
**Business Meeting**:
**1. Approval of Minutes:**
PJ announced that the minutes were on line and also e-mailed to all members previous to the meeting. Nance moved, Jane seconded, minutes were approved.
**2. Officers Reports**:
**Vice President – Monthly lessons -Angela**
– Oct: Penni Jo – Faux Ribbon Embroidery.
– Nov: Myra – Pandora Beads.
– Dec: Annual ‘Share a project’ where members bring a project that they have learned in guild and share a bit about how the project was done. Those wishing to swap at the end may do so.
– Jan: Open
– Feb: Shirley – To be determined.
**Treasurer- Angela**
Balance: $721.76
Members: 13 + 2 New makes 15 members.
**BOH Report – Nance**
Nance will be getting some more finished bottles soon.
**Librarian ~ Jane**
The new book, ‘Polymer Pizazz II’ came in with lots of categories. Christi has two articles in the book.
Jane also announced that the PolymerCafe challenge is ‘Just Jewelry’ and is due on Oct. 10. These dates are on our webpage along with the PCC challenges, so be sure to check it often.
**Old Business:**
**1. Guild 2012 Retreat**:
Penni Jo reported: Christi is coming!! Her attendance will appeal to out of towners.
Date April 19, 20 & 21 2012.
Classes/Demos: Christi will have two half day classes. One on Thurs & one on Friday.
There will be 6 demos.
A light continental style breakfast and cold lunch will be provided.
A write-up for the website is up. Be sure to check it out. Thanks so much Angela. [Great looking page](!
More links will be added as needed. Among them are:
1. Online electronic registration form
2. Tourist info for the greater Oklahoma City area
3. There will be a link to Christi’s site as she will be handling the class registrations on her site. We need to choose the two desired classes ASAP.
Cost of Retreat:
– Member cost will be $60.00
– Non member cost $75.00 for early bird registration (before March 24, 2012)
– Late registration: $85.00
To accept these numbers, it was moved by PJ and seconded by Sue and the prices for the retreat were approved.
The cost of renting tables was brought up and it was discovered that a number of members have tables that they can bring.
Stacie and Sue have trucks.
A theme was discussed and the following were suggested:
– Carnival in Rio
– Spring Fling
– Rodeo
– Safari
It was moved and seconded that our theme will be Safari. Myra will modify the colors of the poster to reflect this theme.
**2. Promoting our hobby:**
Shirley reported that Vision Makers will have 5 shows. Tulsa is not sure of a date for their new show.
**3. OK State Fair**.
Demonstration on Sunday 18, 2 to 6. Angela handed out the entry tickets to those that had signed up.
Shirley to bring the banner.
Quarter page flyers: Jane to get some printed.
Myra did a poster for the fair and will send the artwork to Bob Linn to be printed at Kinko’s.
Shirley asked for volunteers to do a phone follow-up for the people who sign up at the fair.
Angela will email, Shirley will phone.
Members were asked to bring some finished work to show, a clay project, tools etc.
Angela will bring the oven, mitts and a map.
**New Business:**
None of record.
**Library Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane**:
Winning Title: Polymer Unlimited – 4 artists on the magic of polymer.
Since the magazine with this article is unavailable our library selection was later changed to Polymer Clay: Creating Functional and Decorative Objects by Jacqueline Gikow,
**Next month’s swap theme**: 
Come On Fall!!
**Next meeting: October 8, 2011**
**1:30 to 4:30**
At Hobby Lobby in Moore Oklahoma

October 2011 Meeting: Faux Embroidery

EmbroideryProjectModified.jpgWe are very fortunate this month to have nationally-known sculptor & instructor (not to mention our own group’s co-founder!) **Penni Jo Couch** teaching the lesson. She’ll be showing us **Faux Embroidery** — a technique many paid to learn from her at this year’s Fandango retreat. (But we get to learn it for free!) We’ll find out how to use skinner blend scraps or solid clay to create “stitches,” which can then be used to create patterns and decorative designs.
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, October 8, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring**
* **Polymer clay**:
* Brown or wood grain for hanger
* Background clay, shown is ecru lightened with white
* Ivory clay for the tassels, borders and loops
* Small amounts of skinner blends in your choice of colors or flower color (shown is red)
* Stem and leaf colors (shown is green)
* **Molds & Textures**: If desired, the borders and tassels can be molded. Tiny embellishments can be purchased or molded. Any strong woven pattern of fabric can make good texture. Penni Jo will have both molds and texture sheets for use in class.
* **Jewelry Findings**:
* Pin back for a pin.
* If necklace, cord or chain of choice.
* For tassels, two head pins.
* **Charms/Jewels**: Iron on gems or tiny charms for embellishments.
* **Tools**
* Your favorite clay tools, plus…
* Single edge safety razor for cutting slivers.
* Wire cutters
* Round nose and regular small pliers.
* Small, sharp pointy tool like a smooth skewer etc. for lifting and ‘stitching’ the leaves and flowers.
* **Optional**:
* Mica powders for embellishing the hanging loops.
* Pasta machine for clay.
* Extruder for fine ropes.
**Note**: If you have the “Faux Ribbon Embroidery” tutorial printout that Jane gave everyone at the meeting a couple of months ago, please bring it.
**Swap Theme**
This month we’re doing a swap with the theme “**Come on Fall!**” Everyone who wishes to participate should bring one handmade item that fits with the theme.
**Retreat Meeting**
We will *not* be holding a retreat planning meeting before our regular meeting this month.

Welcome, State Fair Visitors!

OSFLogoGreat_RGB_WithStarEMAIL_reasonably_small.png**Welcome** to those of you who are stopping by after seeing our display and/or our demo at the Oklahoma State Fair! We hope you’ll consider attending our next meeting, which will be held Saturday, October 8th. All levels of clayers are welcome!
If this is your first visit to our website, you may be interested in these pages:

  • About Us: Answers questions about our group’s meetings, membership fees, and more.
  • Annual Retreat: Our 2nd OK Poly-Clay Twisters Retreat will be held April 19-21, 2012. Features classes with Christi Friesen!

You may also want to sign up for our email list or connect with us on Facebook — both great ways to get notifications of upcoming meetings and other polymer clay items of interest.