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October 2010 Meeting: Carved Business Card Case

Faux Ivory Carved Business Card Case by Angela Mabray
Our next meeting is this **Saturday, October 9th, 2010, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160 – see map).
This month Angela Mabray will be showing us how to make a carved faux ivory business card case. Angela will show how to use a Speedball lino cutting tool (the ones used to carve stamps) with polymer clay. The faux ivory technique she’ll demonstrate gives the business card holder an elegant look, making it great for men or women (think Christmas gift!). Angela encourages you to bring along a simple image to personalize your case — whether it’s a monogram, something you’ve sketched, or even your own or a spouse’s company logo.
This faux ivory business card case project is from Angela’s upcoming book, Polymer Clay 101, which will be available January 2011.
Two special notes about materials:
* Polyform (maker of Premo, Sculpey, and other clays and tools) has generously offered to sponsor this meeting by providing the group’s clay. So you don’t need to bring clay unless you want to use a different color scheme for your project. Thanks so much to Polyform!
* Don’t worry too much if you don’t have all of the materials. As is usually the case with our guild’s meetings, the teacher and other members can share if you’re not ready to invest in a particular supply or tool.
Materials/Tools List:
* Pasta machine
* Image or logo to carve, printed on regular copy paper, sized to fit on a 3.5″ wide by 2.25″ tall business card case. You may want to start with something that has fairly simple lines while you’re learning the carving technique. (Angela will also have some royalty-free images to select from.)
* Ballpoint pen or pencil
* Speedball lino cutter tool with V-Shaped cutter #1 and/or #2
* Angela says, “I found mine at Hobby Lobby near the model cars section. You can buy a set that includes the handle and a few cutting blades for about $15 (use a coupon!). Or you can get just what you need for this project slightly cheaper by buying the handle and cutting blades separately.”
* Clay blade
* Aluminum scraper
* Business card case (metal)
* These are available online here, here, or on Amazon. It’s entirely possible they’re available somewhere locally, too (if you know of someplace, please let us know!). If you don’t want to order these ahead of time, Angela will have two different types for sale at cost, one for $6 and one for $8. You’re also welcome to make your carved faux ivory piece into a pendant, Artist Trading Card, or other project if a business card case isn’t your thing.
* Brayer or acrylic roller, optional
* Super glue
* Brown acrylic paint for antiquing
* Old toothbrush or stiff-bristled brush
* Paper towel
This month’s swap theme is Covered Pens (pens you’ve covered with polymer clay). Everyone who wants to participate should bring along a pen they’ve made to swap.
Don’t forget to be bring the name of a book, magazine, or DVD you’d like to have in our wonderful library.

Polymer Clay at the Oklahoma State Fair

2010 Polymer Clay Creations Entries
Congrats to our guild members for the awards they won in this year’s “Polymer Clay Creations” creative arts competition at the Oklahoma State Fair. The works were spectacular — thanks to everyone who took part! The glass display cases made it difficult to get good photos, but here’s a look at a few of the entries.
The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild will also be doing a polymer clay demonstration on Sunday, September 19th, from 2-6 p.m., in the Creative Arts building. We would love to chat with anyone who is interested in learning more about our group or about polymer clay in general. Or feel free to email us anytime with questions you might have about our group. We always love to hear from fellow polymer clay artists in central Oklahoma!

September 2010 Meeting – Hollow Beads

Hi Fellow Clayers!
It’s meeting time again! Our next meeting is this **Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 at 1:30-4:30** (please take note , we are now starting to meet at **1:30**, not **1:00**) at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160 – see map)
We will be making 2 kinds of Hollow Beads – pillow and puff, led by Jane Linn. These beads make great charms, pendants, and beads for bracelets and necklaces. They are especially fun because they can be be big and bold, without the weight of traditional beads.
**Materials/Tools List:**
– Cookie Cutters- circles-about 1″ and 3/4″ For variety, may want to bring extra cutters-about 1″ diameter ie. simple circle, star, heart, square, rectangle, flower
– Cutting blade/craft knife
– Hole maker
– Tile or cardstock for baking
– Pasta machine/acrylic rod
– Hot pad or mitt
– Scissors
– Liquid Polymer Clay or bonding glue
– Type of Super Glue, preferably with a brush applicator
– Sandpaper-600 grit
– 20-24 gauge wire-about 1-2 inches
– 2 oz. of clay, any color(s)
– Scrap clay-
– 1 oz. black clay
– Optional: Skinner blend, canes, textured sheets
– Very optional (don’t buy these for this until you’ve tried it):
– Aluminum paint palette
– Amazing Molds
– Plastic finger Protector
– Drywall & Plaster Sanding Screen
This month we have our raffle with Penni Jo, Nance, and Starla, the winners of July’s raffle providing the items for the raffle.
If you have finished any past guild projects, please bring them so we can see them at show & tell. We love to be inspired and ooo-and ah!
Don’t forget to be bring a name of a book, magazine, or DVD you’d like to have in our wonderful library.

Bead-In OKC Meeting

If you’re interested in beading and jewelry-making with polymer clay, you may want to check out the upcoming Bead-In. Pat Pearson has organized the group’s first meeting for Monday, December 7th, at the Midwest City Library, and she extended a personal invitation to our guild members. Details below:
Bead In OKC postcard

November Meeting Date / Time Change!

The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild will *not* be meeting on the second Saturday (November 14th) this month. Instead, the meeting will be November 21st from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Elements Beadery, 6704 NW 39th Expressway in Bethany, OK. We’ll probably head to a nearby coffee shop (or the like) for our business meeting after the bead shop portion. More details coming soon!

Group Makes First State Fair Appearance

The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild made its first official appearance at the Oklahoma State Fair this year, taking part in both competitions and demonstrations.

Creative Arts Competition

The group sponsored the new Polymer Clay Creations category in the Creative Arts competition. There were 20+ entries (including at least 1 entry from outside the group) in the 4 classes. Esteemed group president Jane Linn walked away with first prize in 3 of the 4 classes, with Penni Jo Couch taking first in the other class. Jane also won the $25 Best of Show award donated by the group. See full results here. [PDF]

Polymer Clay Demonstration

Polymer Clay Demo (Photo by Ed)
On September 20, several group members spent the day demonstrating various polymer clay techniques to fair visitors. The demo tables were set up near the Creative Arts display cases, which proved to be a great spot. The group handed out lots of fliers and talked to many friendly and interested passers-by. Hopefully a few will join us at our next meeting!
Polymer Clay Demo at the Oklahoma State Fair
Thanks to all who took part in the competitions and the demonstration — great work!
Photos courtesy of Shirley (top photo), Ed (middle), and Angela (bottom). More photos here.

September Schedule Switch

Just a quick scheduling note… We’ve switched the meeting topics for September and October. In September, Angela will be demonstrating how to use various mold-making materials, and showing how to make polymer clay nametags with the molded elements. October’s meeting will be Jane’s Starry Night Cane.
Angela will bring most of the molding supplies, but be thinking of small buttons, trinkets, or toys to use for molding. Look for a more complete class description coming soon!