The May 9, 2020, meeting of the Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild was held via Zoom. President Connie Farrell called the meeting to order. We had a total of 14 in attendance with some of those being out of state/country members who typically don’t get to participate. We had three guests, Debbie Jackson, Deb Hart, and Debbie’s friend, Dee.
The format was a little tricky, but several members did have items for Show and Tell, although we obviously couldn’t pass them around.
Debbie Jackson, who had been scheduled to be our guest artist for our annual retreat in April which had to be canceled due to the virus, offered to do our demo. She showed us many ways to use simple bullseye canes and gave several tips for doing so. We loved seeing all her wonderful pieces and were inspired to try incorporating her ideas into our own work. The demo was recorded and members who were unable to attend may contact Betty Bolerjack for the link to watch it.
The minutes from the March meeting were approved. Betty agreed to record the minutes for the May meeting.
We don’t currently have a Vice-President so we are deciding on lessons/demos together for the next meeting. Deb Hart offered to do a demo for our June meeting before leaving. No one else was willing to give it a try, so Connie will contact her about that.
Lee Ann presented the treasurer’s report. We have 18 paid members. The report was approved.
Tom reported that nothing has been done with Bottles of Hope due to the pandemic.
Our webmaster, Betty Bolerjack has set up a Zoom account which she has offered for us to use during the pandemic and possibly even beyond to allow members to participate who are unable to do otherwise. We used Zoom to have a “Mini Virtual Retreat” for a few hours on the Saturday that we would have been at our annual Twisters Retreat. It was very successful which led to having the monthly meetings via Zoom until we can meet together again.
We still don’t have a permanent meeting place for when we are able to meet again. Connie has tried to contact the new Contemporary Arts Center, but they are not open due to the virus and she has not heard back. She has also contacted Hobby Lobby at I-40 and MacArthur about the use of their meeting room, but they are not currently scheduling. We will continue to meet via Zoom until other arrangements can be made. We also had a brief discussion about meeting in small satellite groups in addition to our regular monthly meetings.
Our June meeting will be held on the 13th at 1:30 pm via Zoom.
Submitted by Betty Bolerjack