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June 2018

Minutes for May 12, 2018

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Submitted by Laura Clarkson, Secretary

Meeting convened by President Betty Bolerjack

15 Members were in attendance

The images from Show and Tell are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.

Myra Cleveland presented today’s program. We made leopard and zebra canes.

Business Meeting


Approval of Meeting Minutes: 3/10/18. Deborah moved the minutes be approved and Jane seconded. Minutes were approved as posted.

Vice President

Shirley Conway reported on the Program schedule for upcoming meetings.

  • June: Chris Crossland – Wolf
  • July: Tom Gibson – UV Resin
  • August: Betty Bolerjack
  • September: Connie Farrell
  • October: Penni Jo and Jane
  • November: Tom
  • December: Christmas Party


LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report. Marsha moved and Deborah seconded that the report be accepted.

Bottles of Hope Coordinators

Tom Gibson asked that more members make Bottles of Hope.


Joyce Burge donated 2 Books to our Library


Myra Cleveland reported she will be moving to Panama and we will need a new webmaster. Cheryl Reich volunteered.


Tom Gibson gave an update on retreat. Requested everyone who attended to fill out the survey.

State Fair

Betty Bolerjack reported on the State Fair. They are having some free classes this Summer. Look on the Fair website for Take pArt in the Fair

This was drawing month. Bags were provided by Tom, Jane, Katherine (2) and a Retreat bag by the Guild.
Betty (2), Laura (2), and Tom were the winners