June 2008 Meeting Notes
There were twelve people at the June meeting, nine members and three guests. Angela Mabray gave us an extensive handout detailing stamping techniques and various types of ink and their effects. She led us in making coasters using a stamping technique, with optional ink and various ways of coloring the clay. As always, there were lots of interesting and creative results among the members.
**Business meeting:**
The meeting schedule, as far as planned, will be:
July 12: Beads (all members sharing tips about bead rollers, making beads, etc.)
August 9: Ink-Jet Image Transfers with Shirley
August 30: Play Day
September 13: Mokume Gane with Nance
October 11: Translucent Layering with Jane
**Treasurer’s Report and Membership:** Angela reported that we have a balance of $418.20. She withdrew $14.00 in petty cash to help make change on raffle days. One member has had to drop out, bringing our membership to 12.
**Library and Drawing:** Jane reported that May’s library choice, *Creative Canes: 30-plus Cane Techniques with Polymer Clay*, by Barbara McGuire, had been received. This month, the book selected for the library is *The Human Figure in Clay*, by Mark A. Dennis.
**Show and Tell:** In addition to several Bottles of Hope brought by members, Penni Jo, April S., and Nance brought things for show and tell. Penni Jo announced that she will be teaching a polymer clay class for Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation. She also showed more of her inro projects and announced that she will be hired as an artist to teach inro at the Orlando Clay Fandango in Florida next March. Nan reported that her Bottles of Hope lesson at the Norman Newcomers Club was a great success.
**Swap:** This month was our first swap, and items followed a floral theme. Nance, April S., April G., Lee Ann, Jane, Penni Jo, and Angela swapped some beautiful floral clay creations.
Angela reminded the group that next month we will return to the raffle. Prizes will be provided by Penni Jo and April S.